We have closed the online registration. If you would still like to attend, walk-ins at the event welcome! PLEASE NOTE: You may pay with CASH ONLY at the door.
Dear Classmates
It’s official – we have achieved a major life milestone in arriving at our 50th year since we graduated from Capuchino High School. Graduation Day, June 11, 1964 – a lifetime ago and yet it seem like just yesterday. The memories flood in -- our friends and classmates, the top notch teachers who helped shape our future, the activities in which we participated, and so much more.
When we entered Cap, we were dancing to Chubby Checker’s “The Twist” and Brian Hyland’s “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini.” We were getting acclimated to the patterns of high school life, so different from junior high – new friendships with the merger of Taylor and Parkside students, daily class changes with different teachers, and the variety of social and academic experiences that suddenly opened up to us – student clubs, theater, music, journalism, sports and more. It was the year that we joined all of Cap in celebrating a Cap student’s participation in the 1960 Olympics (Pat Daniels, track, Class of 1961). It was also the year the entire school helped raise the funds that sent our band to President Kennedy’s inauguration parade on a cold, snowy day in January. What a year!
And three more memorable years followed–(mostly) carefree and innocent years of great classes, football and basketball games, sock hops and proms, school assemblies, a variety of other school activities, and “hanging out” with friends. At the same time, we lived through some “big” national and international events that shook us to the core and (though we didn’t know it at the time) would affect us for decades to come. We were all frightened by the Cuban Missile Crisis and shocked by the violence that emerged during the Civil Rights movement. War in distant Viet Nam was emerging in our peripheral vision. And in our Senior year, our hearts were broken by the assassination of President Kennedy. By then, we were the leaders in every corner of Cap life – the Seniors that we as Freshman had once looked up to. The Beatles ruled the airwaves while we studied, played and began preparations for our futures -- at once optimistic and anxious about what loomed ahead.
As we look back, most of us are amazed at how life has unfolded for us and the changes that have occurred over the last 50 years – a life and changes that we could not have imagined when we stepped off the stage with our diplomas in hand that sunny June day in 1964. Now it’s time to celebrate the memories, become reacquainted with our many classmates, share our lives since Cap, and remember those who are no longer with us.
Please join us for the Capuchino High School Class of 1964 50th Reunion on Saturday October 25. And spread the word to as many of our fellow classmates as you can. Let’s make this the biggest and best reunion yet!
For more information about a tour of the renovated Cap Campus on Friday, October 24, and a Sunday, October 26, late morning or early afternoon event (TBD), please contact the reunion committee at Cap64reunion@gmail.com or see our Facebook page at Cap 64-Capuchino High School Class of 1964.
Your Reunion Committee